

51st European Finance Association Annual Meeting

“How Effective are Portfolio Mandates?”, slides.

J. Favilukis (University of British Columbia), L. Garlappi (University of British Columbia) and R. Uppal (EDHEC Business School).

1st Imperial College PhD Conference in Economics and Finance 

"Heterogeneous Fiscal Responses to an Energy Shock: Implications for a Currency Union", slides

M. Komatsu (University of Oxford).


1st European Sustainable Finance PhD Workshop 

"Energy Labels, House Prices, and Efficiency Misreporting",  slides.

X. Lu (HEC Paris) and C. Spaenjers (University of Colorado Boulder).

12th Portuguese Financial Network Conference 

"The Effect of Income Inequality on Stock Market Participation: Evidence from US Households and the Adoption of the Medicaid Expansion Under the Affordable Care Act", slides.

J. DeLisle (Utah State University) and M. G. Vivero (University of Dayton). 

Header: Financial District, New York City. Photographed from Brooklyn Heights. May, 2024.

Picture: Discussion at the 51st EFA, Bratislava, August, 2024.